

In a vibrant and engaging environment each child is nurtured to develop a love for life-long learning. The Primary curriculum is designed to enable students to achieve maximum success in their educational development by catering for individual differences and needs while focusing on key literacy and numeracy skillsets.


The Early Years Literacy program provides the foundation of English language skills in the Primary School. Beginning with an emphasis on engaging and enriching experiences in oral and written language in Prep and early levels, our curriculum is based around relevant, shared learning experiences. Themes continue to provide a rich context for the exploration of Literacy in later Primary years. Many opportunities arise for students to gain confidence in reading, writing, speaking and listening.


Mathematics is a dynamic Faculty within the core curriculum in the Primary School. We believe that all students have the capacity to develop an understanding and passion for Mathematics. Children at 51³Ô¹Ïapplearn to become confident numerate citizens, through linking firmly set foundations and targeted open – ended questions to real-world applications.


STEM is an integrated subject area that brings together many streams of cognitive human endeavour. Known by its acronym Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) covers these topics and so much more. In response to contemporary society and in preparation for their future, students learn to link these areas cohesively in order to effectively communicate, create, be productive, apply their ideas and make connections to the real world. The development of STEM skills, at any stage throughout life, inspires curiosity and creativity, opening up a world of possibilities. Our program is designed to give students the opportunity to expand their understanding of the STEM disciplines while developing skills in Team Work, Logic, Critical Thinking, Innovation and Problem Solving. Students from Prep to Year 6 will engage in two hours per week with our STEM specialist teacher.

Visual Art

The Primary School Visual Art program aims to develop and encourage the children’s self expression and visual awareness through creating, making and presenting. Appreciation of their own peer and adult artwork is an integral part of learning. Children are encouraged to explore and respond to art in past and present contexts and as relevant to their experience. Art frequently forms the creative extension of the current classroom theme, but it also provides many experiences that are uniquely those of the visual arts.

Performing Arts

Performing Arts – music, drama and movement – is a joyful experience and a valuable part of the School curriculum as it supplies a means for self-expression, a mode of communication and develops both individual and group skills, physically and creatively. It aims to integrate the art forms of music, drama and dance so that all students are encouraged to participate and extend their learning in the Arts through achieving enjoyment and success. In the Primary School, students have the opportunity to learn one or more musical instruments throughout the day. An introduction to strings is delivered at Year 3, with students engaged in one-hour lessons. Our program provides not only engagement in essential skills for performing music, drama and movement, but also fun-filled, enriching experiences. Every child in the 51³Ô¹ÏappCollege Primary School attends a specialist Performing Arts class each week ( ELP 30 minutes, Prep-Year 6 an hour lesson). The curriculum is hybrid music/drama, focusing on the elements of drama and music which empower the students to make, create, explore and respond to the performing arts, whether it be playing an instrument, or performing in the Primary School’s annual theatrical production.

Information Communication Technology

Children live in a dynamic, ever-changing electronic world. The College aims to build on children’s skills with ongoing refinement in the selection, analysis and interpretation of electronic information. Our BYOD program operates for students in Years 3 to 6. Through the use and application of information technology, students develop a systematic and creative approach to using technology to solve problems, make presentations, increase learning and have fun. As a component of ICT studies, students will learn to become responsible digital citizens who know how to harness and filter the learning potential of digital media in a connected world, safely, effectively, ethically, and respectfully.


It is said that speaking a second language is ‘a gateway to international opportunities’. Learning languages broadens students’ horizons about the personal, social, cultural and employment opportunities that are available in an increasingly interconnected and interdependent world.

Indonesian studies are offered in the Primary School. Students acquire communication skills in Indonesian. They develop an understanding of the role of language and culture in communication. Their reflections on language use and language learning are applied in other learning contexts.

The study of language at 51³Ô¹ÏappCollege is engaging and responsive to students’ abilities and needs, developing not only their language skills but also their knowledge, understanding and the attributes necessary to be a ‘global citizen’. Students learn new language through fun and meaningful activities, such as songs, interactive and student-directed speaking, listening, reading and writing activities, and games. We also use digital technologies to learn and practice new language. The opportunity for language learning in the Primary School is out of this world.

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